Monday, October 20, 2014

October 20 - Luminous Mystery of the Rosary

Tonight we had a presentation of the Luminous Mystery of the Rosary presented by Falling Waters.  It was a really nice presentation with prayers of the Rosary and a stage representation of each of the mysteries.  I thought it was really cool that the kids were actually kneeling during the prayers of the Rosary. 

Next week we are going to have a Halloween celebration for the first graders.  We are going to have the kids decorate Halloween cookies.  Please no costumes; if you would like to bring in a small treat that would be ok.  Keep in mind that we are trying to limit the amount of sugar so close to bed time. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Oct 6 - Moses and The Ten Commandments

I know I didn't post anything last week, so here goes.  We talked about Noah's Ark.  I discussed with the kids that after Adam and Eve sinned against God they were cast out of heaven and through the generations the population grew, and during the time of Noah, people were rebellious against God and because of this, they severed their relationship with God.  God saw this and became very unpleased, however, there was a man named Noah who lived in relationship with God, so God told Noah that he wanted him to build an ark and to take two of every animal onto the ark.  Noah was instructed to take one male and one female animal with him on the ark because God was going to cause a flood onto the earth.  After the flood, God made a covenant with Noah and promised that he would never cause the destruction of man on earth ever again, and God sealed this covenant with a rainbow, and whenever Noah saw a rainbow, he would remember the promise God made to him.

Today, I briefly talked about Moses.  Moses was a holy man who helped God by freeing the Egyptian people from the tyranny of Pharaoh, and God gave Moses two tablets up on a mountain that contained The Ten Commandments.  I asked the kids if they knew The Ten Commandments, and most of them were unfamiliar with them.

To help the kids understand the purpose of The Ten Commandments we talked about owning a pet dog.  They all agreed that they love their pets and would not want anything to happen to their pets, so we talked about ways in which we protect our pets.  They discussed how we put leashes on our dogs when we take them outside because if they were let loose they might run in the street and get hit by a car which would be very sad.  We also discussed that people put fences around their yard to keep the dogs in the yard and free from harm, and we discussed how our parents have rules that we need to follow and parents have these rules to help keep us safe,  and I discussed that The Ten Commandments are like that fence that we put around our yard to protect our dogs or small children that we don't want to run astray and be hurt.  God created The Ten Commandments not to have all of these rules over us and to make our lives complicated,  but he created The Ten Commandments to make it easier for us to follow his way so that we will have eternal life, and The Ten Commandments are there to protect us from evil.

After our discussion, we worked on a puzzle of The Ten Commandments.  Next week is a holiday (Columbus Day), so there will be no religion class, and on October 20th, we are going to watch a presentation on the Glorious Mystery of The Rosary.  If you have a Rosary or pray the Rosary, I would encourage you to pray the Rosary with the kids.  It's a great way to familiarize the kids with The Our Father and the Hail Mary.  I showed them my Rosary and tried to explain the parts of The Rosary to them as well along with the different mysteries of the Rosary.