Monday, November 17, 2014

November 17, 2014 - Thanksgiving

At the beginning of class, we discussed Stranger Danger as required by the diocese.  We talked about what a stranger is.  The children described a stranger as someone that they don't know.  When I asked what a stranger looks like, one child responded that they dark and evil.  I told them that a stranger is anyone that they don't know and may also look very friendly, and if a stranger approaches them, they should not talk to them.

I explained that sometimes there are people who seek out children who try and take them from their parents and they sometimes use pets as a way to trick children.  I explained that if someone tries to approach them to ask them to help them look for a pet, that they should say "No" and run away.  I did explain that if they are approached by a stranger and feel threatened and are outside or in a public place, they should yell "Fire" because that will get the attention of people around them that can help.  I also explained that if they are in mall, park or public place and become separated from their parents or guardian that they should seek someone behind a register if they can't find a policeman, and if they can't find someone at a register or if they are in a park, and they need to find help, that they should look for a woman who has a baby or small child because that would indicate that the woman most likely  is a mother and would be willing to help them find their parents without harming them.   I reminded them that when they are with their parents in a public place, they should stay very close to their parents and not wander away.  I also explained to them that they should never believe someone who approaches them and tells them that their mom or dad sent them to pick them up and to never go with someone especially if they don't know who the person is. 

The rest of the class time we discussed being Thankful.  I read to them the story of the ten lepers.  Jesus was approached by ten lepers who were calling out to Jesus for him to heal them.  When Jesus saw them, he told them to go show themselves to the priest, and as they were walking away Jesus healed them.  One of the lepers returned to Jesus to thank him, and Jesus asked, "Ten were cleansed were they not?  Where are the other nine?  Has none but his foreigner returned to give thanks to God?  Then he said to him, "Stand up and go; your faith has saved you."

I explained to the kids that we always pray to Jesus to ask him for things but often forget to say a prayer of Thanksgiving when our prayers are answered.  I asked the kids how do they think that Jesus felt when only one came back to thank Jesus.  At first, they thought he was happy, but when I asked them what would we want if we did something nice for someone and weren't thanked, they then  thought Jesus was sad.  We talked about how important it is to thank God for the gifts and sacrifices that he has made for us and how important it is to say Thank you when someone does something nice for us.

Since Thanksgiving is next week, I reminded them to remember to be thankful to God on Thanksgiving.  We talked about the holiday and how the pilgrims were helped by the Indians and that this is how Thanksgiving evolved and we celebrate it every year in thanksgiving for all of the gifts we have and the gifts that we receive from God.

We also did play a couple of rounds of musical chairs.  I taped a colored piece of construction paper to the back of the chair, and when the music stopped and they sat in a chair, they had to say something they were thankful for that either was that color or had that color in the name. (eg red strawberry, blue sky, purple grapes etc.)

After our game of musical chairs, they colored a picture of a turkey that was color by letter. 

I encouraged the children to remember to ask their parents for help on Thanksgiving by helping with dinner or helping with the dishes after dinner.  I hope everyone has a Blessed Thanksgiving!  Stay warm!!
