Sunday, September 14, 2014

First Class September 8th - Our Blessed Mother's Birthday

Today was our first class, and we began the class by getting to know each other while we waited for additional children to register.  We talked about what school the kids were going to and how they were liking school.  The kids were so cute!

We began the class by reviewing expectations of the class.  I discussed that everyone should raise their hand if they want to ask a question or if they have a comment on something.  Parents, it's important also that we limit the number of times that the kids ask to use the bathroom.  We have a small amount of time with the children and the bathroom is to be used when necessary and not used as a means to wander out of the classroom.  I will allow the bathroom to be used in the latter half of the class when necessary.  Below is the schedule that we will be following throughout the year:

6:15 - 6:30  Meet in the Church

6:30 -  6:45  Walk, quietly, down to our classroom and settle in quietly

6:45 - 6:50 Opening Prayer (The Hail Mary)

6:50 - 7:10 Topic Presentation/Discussion

7:10 - 7:30 Activity

7:30 - 7:45 Snack (Fruit Snacks and Raisins), Cleanup, Closing Prayer (Hail Mary or Our Father)

I told the kids that today, September 8th, was a very special day because the Church celebrates Mary's birthday on September 8th.  I asked the kids when their birthday's were and if they liked celebrating their birthday, and of course all the kids loved celebrating birthday's.  One little boy commented on how Mary must really be happy that on her birthday, children are coming together to learn about her son Jesus.  We also talked about who Mary was and why she is so important to us.  Mary gave us a special gift.  She gave us her son Jesus who is the savior of the world, and we discussed Jesus' birthday on December 25th. 

I am planning on teaching the children The Our Father and The Hail Mary prayers this year.  I discussed with the children that The Our Father was given to us directly from Jesus.  We discussed that Jesus had 12 friends (The Apostles) and one of his friends asked Jesus how to pray, and Jesus taught us The Our Father, so this prayer is very special because it was given to us directly from Jesus.

We also discussed the origin of The Hail Mary prayer and how an angel came to visit Mary to ask her if she would accept an invitation by God to be the mother of his only son, and when the angel Gabrielle presented himself to Mary he spoke, "Hail Mary full of Grace.'  Mary was full of grace because she was conceived without sin.  "The Lord is with thee."  Mary was the first tabernacle for Jesus.  "Blessed are you among women."  Because Mary was created without sin, she is the most blessed creature of God's creations.  "Blessed is the fruit of your womb."  Jesus is the fruit of her womb.  "Holy Mary Mother of God."  Because of Mary's fiat (yes), Mary became the mother of God.  "Pray for us sinners now and the hour of our death."  Mary is always praying and caring for her spiritual children - us. 

I encourage you to pray these prayers , and continue to teach your children how to make the sign of the cross, with your children at home.  They are very special prayers and later I will be discussing the Rosary with the children and how the Rosary is a very special and powerful prayer.  These two prayers, The Our Father and The Hail Mary, encompass the Rosary.

I think we got off to a great start.  The kids were great.  Oh, and one more thing.  I explained to the kids at the end of the class everyone will receive a box of raisins as a snack, and if everyone is following directions and we have a good class, they will b rewarded with a package of fruit snacks.  All the kids loved that idea, and I also was told by 2 students that they are allergic to raisins.  I'm not sure if this is true.  One student confessed that they really weren't allergic but just didn't like raisins.  To be on the safe side, if a child tells me they are allergic to raisins, I will not give them any raisins but they still have to earn fruit snacks by following directions and participating in the class.

I look forward to next week and any comments that you may have.

God Bless and PAX,


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